About Us
At Animal Health Care of Myerstown, our goal is to have your pets be happy, healthy, and pain free; and to live as long as possible. A quote our staff tries to live by: people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget the way you made them feel.
Practice goals
Practice values Our core set of values, which we strive to live by personally and professionally, are Integrity, Fairness, Humility, Social Responsibility, and Fun. Integrity is an obvious ethical principle considering the trust that people place in us to care for their animals. In addition, we need to have integrity in our dealings with other staff members, suppliers, and community members, everyone we touch. Fairness is important, but it does not mean equality. Just like two children with completely different personalities wouldn’t respond to the same type of discipline, what is fair for one person may not be the exact same for another. Humility is an important principle for all of us to have in our personal and professional lives. We can practice humility by continuously asking others for advice before making important decisions at work, and also trying to keep in mind that what may be obvious or intuitive to you, may not be to the person you are speaking with. Social Responsibility is being good stewards of our resources. This applies not only to our wonderful hospital and equipment, but our time and talents as well. I believe that Fun can best be achieved by applying the above goals and values to our everyday lives. A fun place to work, in my mind, is a place that treats others according to the above values. Keep these goals and values in mind as you read through this website and begin your relationship with our practice. Using these goals and values should help to empower you to make good decisions within the practice, as they relate to day-to-day operations, staff, and client relationships.
Hospital philosophy It is our desire to provide the highest-quality medical and surgical care to our patients and offer the best possible service to our clients. Our clients are friends as well as customers, and we value their continued trust and goodwill. Courtesy and patience with clients and their pets are our priorities. An attitude of, “We are glad you are here,” must be conveyed to each and every client. Clients favor us by selecting us to care for their pets, and not vice versa. This is probably the most important concept for you to remember, and makes it easier to understand the importance of showing genuine concern and interest in a client's problem.